Ursa Major Artworks
Affordable Custom Illustrations
Commission Form
(Currently under construction)
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Commission FAQ
What is your average turnaround time?
Turnaround time varies, but I usually try to set a hard deadline of roughly 90 days. I generally take commissions in three-month batches and arrange my schedule to be as efficient as possible. You might get your commission the very next day, or it may take the full 90 days, but in either case, I will promise a hard deadline so you're not stuck waiting with no word.
How do I know if you've accepted my commission?
I will contact you via the contact information given on the commission form. You can also click the link under "Check My Commission Status" at the top of this page.
What are your prices?
You can get custom art from me for as little as $30. For a full list of my prices, click here.
What if I want to commission something that doesn't show up on your price list, like a comic or visual novel?
The standard offerings are the main type of commission art that I am willing to do. If you want something that isn't covered by those offerings, click the link under "Request a Special Consultation" at the top of the page, and we can discuss it.
Do I have to pay in advance?
I do require payment up front, before I start work on the art but after the initial consultation.
What types of payment do you accept?
All payments are collected via PayPal invoice, which can be paid with most major credit or debit cards. You do not need a PayPal account to pay this invoice, but you can use your PayPal account if you have one.
Do you charge a consultation fee?
No. Consultation is always 100% free, whether you ultimately buy art from me or not.
Do you offer payment plans?
I typically do not offer payment plans, but if you need to make special payment arrangements, I am willing to discuss it.
What is your refund policy?
When you commission me, I take payment up front. You may cancel your commission at any time for a full refund up until you approve the proof-of-concept sketch. If I have completed the proof-of-concept sketch and you want to cancel the commission at that point, I will refund your payment. Once you approve that sketch, however, any refund is at my discretion.
I also back my completion deadline of every commission with a money-back guarantee (regardless of whether a proof-of-concept has been approved). If I have not delivered the finished art to you by the promised deadline, you may request a full refund (I will not proactively refund art for missed deadlines, since some customers prefer for me to finish the piece even if it takes longer, but if you request a refund after the deadline, I will refund your payment in full within two weeks, no questions asked).
Lack of satisfaction with the finished product is not grounds for a refund. If there is something about the finished product that you are not satisfied with, I will do whatever I can reasonably do to make it right.
Sketch commissions and Telegram stickers are nonrefundable except in cases of missed deadlines.
How do I apply my SubscribeStar discount?
If you are in one of the SubscribeStar support tiers that gives you a discount on commissions, remind me during the consultation and I will apply it to the invoice.
Do you take commissions for explicit/adult themes?
Yes, but I am somewhat selective about them. If you have a specific question about this sort of work, feel free to contact me.
Is there anything you aren't willing to draw?
There are a few things that I will not draw, but these three are the most important:
Any depiction of underage characters (or characters that appear underage) in any kind of sexually suggestive or explicit setting.
Any copyrighted imagery. This includes "fan characters" in the style of Pokémon, Digimon, My Little Pony, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc. This extends to all elements in the scene.
Any symbols of Nazism, white supremacy, or other themes that I personally consider to be hate speech.
What are your terms of service?
You can view them here.